When compile()
, you can use the compile option helpers
to provide custom helpers. NOTICE: FLAG_NAMEDARG
is required for named arguments, FLAG_ADVARNAME
is required for string or subexpression arguments
use LightnCandy\LightnCandy;
function my_helper_function () {
return 'OK! (my_helper_function)';
function my_other_helper () {
return 'OK! (my_other_helper)';
class myClass {
public static function myStaticMethod () {
return 'OK! (myClass::myStaticMethod)';
$template = "1. {{my_helper_function}}\n2. {{myClass::myStaticMethod}}\n3. {{helper_name}}\n4. {{helper_name2}}\n5. {{helper_name3}}";
$phpStr = LightnCandy::compile($template, array(
'flags' => LightnCandy::FLAG_HANDLEBARS,
'helpers' => array(
// 1. You may pass your function name
// When the function is not exist, you get compile time error
// Template: {{my_helper_functoin ....}}
// 2. You may also provide a static call from a class
// In this case, the helper name is same with provided full name
// Template: {{myClass::myStaticMethod ....}}
// 3. You may also provide an alias name for helper function
// This help you to mapping different function to a preferred helper name
// Template: {{helper_name ....}}
'helper_name' => 'my_other_helper',
// 4. Alias also works well for static call of a class
// This help you to mapping different function to a preferred helper name
// Template: {{helper_name2 ....}}
'helper_name2' => 'myClass::myStaticMethod',
// 5. Anonymous function should be provided with alias
// The function will be included in generaed code always
// Template: {{helper_name3 ....}}
'helper_name3' => function () {
return 'OK! (helper_name3)';
$renderer = LightnCandy::prepare($phpStr);
echo $renderer(null);
1. OK! (my_helper_function)
2. OK! (myClass::myStaticMethod)
3. OK! (my_other_helper)
4. OK! (myClass::myStaticMethod)
5. OK! (helper_name3)
The input arguments are processed by LightnCandy automatically, you do not need to worry about variable name processing or current context. You can also use double quoted string as input.
use LightnCandy\LightnCandy;
$template = <<<VAREND
{{helper name}} // This send the value of 'name' into the helper
{{helper "Test"}} // This send the string "Test" into the helper (FLAG_ADVARNAME is required)
{{helper2 "Test" name}} // This send string "Test" as first parameter,
// and the value of 'name' as second parameter into the helper
$phpStr = LightnCandy::compile($template, array(
'flags' => LightnCandy::FLAG_HANDLEBARS,
'helpers' => array(
'helper' => function ($arg1) {
return "ARG 1: $arg1";
'helper2' => function ($arg1, $arg2) {
return "ARG 1: $arg1, ARG2: $arg2";
$renderer = LightnCandy::prepare($phpStr);
echo $renderer(array('name' => 'John'));
ARG 1: John // This send the value of 'name' into the helper
ARG 1: Test // This send the string "Test" into the helper (FLAG_ADVARNAME is required)
ARG 1: Test, ARG2: John // This send string "Test" as first parameter,
// and the value of 'name' as second parameter into the helper